We Are all Born With the Gift of Fear

Fear: an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger.

True fear is a basic human instinct. We all have it. Do we always heed it? No. Often times we talk ourselves out of listening to our instincts. We ignore it or make excuses. For example, " He looks normal, He was nice to me, etc. “ Women are especially guilty of this because we don't want to appear rude or impolite. If your intuition is trying to signal you. Listen.


Erinn Aloi

I am one of the lucky ones! I found a way to combine my two passions in life and make a living doing what I love. I shoot people with a camera, paper and steel with my gun! I have been a professional photographer for the last 11 years working out of my own studio! More recently, I fell in love with shooting and really enjoy teaching women how to use firearms. I run my local chapter of "A Girl and a Gun Women's Shooting League", and shoot competitively any chance I get. I also have a line of t shirts and accessories exclusively designed for women who shoot.